If you have ever hosted an event then you’d know one of the biggest challenges you’d face is pulling in the crowd.
Although digital marketing has made it super easy to create massive awareness for events, many quickly realize they are spending a fortune in creating online awareness that doesn’t always reflect on guest participation.
Here is a handy list of ways to get your online audience to attend your offline event and make it a success.
1. Influencers
Aiding your brand’s event awareness requires you to make use of influencers within your industry to lure fans and admirers to your event. Seek out people with vast online influence such as celebrities, brand experts, popular bloggers, YouTube stars. Enlist them to create strategic and timely posts about your event. You could have them do a short video clip telling their fans about the event on their chosen platforms and how they can register.
2. Emails/SMS
Ensure all your digital campaigns directs to a lead generation form to collect contact details. This will come in handy in constantly reminding them of the event while asking them to invite their friends.
3. Be social on Social Media
Focus on creating content that’ll trigger the emotions of the audience you want to reach out to and share them on multiple platforms. Offer access to live video streaming of your event. Shoot live coverage on video, pictures and the progress of the event. Encourage attendees to use hashtags and tag themselves on social media posts about the details of the event to help reach a larger audience. As you prep for your event, and throughout the event itself, engage your social audiences with in-the-moment insider stories. This is an intimate way to make people feel connected to your event and more inspired to attend.
The digital age has provided us with numerous tools to attract and reach out to target audiences. To get your event to go viral, employ these rewarding tools at your disposal – social media, websites, emails, sponsor collaborations etc.
So now you have a head start towards marketing your next event. If you’re still having trouble deploying these, get in touch with us and we’d be glad to assist.