5 Tips to Make Social Media Ads Click Worthy | Evaluate Media

June 22, 2022

Every time potential customers scroll through their Facebook or LinkedIn feed, they’re bombarded with dozens of ads from companies that are all trying to be the one that gets clicked. Making sure your social ads are the ones customers interact with is vital for sales and growth.

But what makes someone click on one ad while scrolling by another? It helps to understand how customers interact with brands online; to help them decide what to buy. In fact, 74% of people use social media to make purchasing decisions. With the sheer volume of fake or cheaply made products available, customers want to know they aren’t getting scammed by choosing to purchase from you.

Therefore, the tips below will make your social media ad click-worthy;

1. Choose the perfect goal for your social media ads: If you approach your Facebook ads with a “let’s see what sticks” attitude, you’re flying blind. There is an element of trial and error but it’s best to set defined goals before you begin. Whether you’re looking for more followers, increased sales, or improved engagement, there’s an ad campaign for that. For example, for more likes, comments, and shares, you’ll run an engagement ad. For more followers, run a page “like” ad. There’s also an option to run an event response ad to promote an upcoming function. The only way to measure whether your ad is successful is to have a defined objective from the start.

2. Create a soft landing: A landing page for your Facebook ad campaign isn’t mandatory but we highly recommend it. Having users who click on your ad sent to a landing page helps you to convert more customers while obtaining information about the target audience. Engaging ads with strong CTAs will often be enough to get them to the landing page, but you can also consider offering an incentive. Either way, it’s better to send them here than to your website’s homepage.

3. Get creative with your content: Most successful ads don’t outright sell something. People are reluctant to engage with content that is too sales-y. They feel pressured as if they’d just walked onto a used car lot. Think about the type of content your audience engages with organically; Did you launch a quiz that people share? When boosted, these types of content can make effective advertisements that help increase conversions overall.

This is especially useful if you’re trying to run an awareness campaign and you aren’t focused on a specific product. If you are doing a campaign like a seasonal sale, use your social ads to demonstrate value and urgency. It’s not a push to buy, but a call to save. Regardless of what you’re selling, envision the entire process for a customer to make it all as engaging as possible. Use a strong and interesting CTA that then clicks through to a well-made landing page. Provide as much information as you can to make the experience a positive one for your audience.

4. Use high-quality images and videos: keep in mind that almost every platform has moved to prioritize video and images over text-based posts. It’s also true about the people you’re hoping to reach; 68% of users preferred to interact with posts that included images. Taking the time to source or take high-resolution photos will automatically help boost your ad campaigns and increase conversions.

When people are choosing what to buy online, having high-quality images is also a useful resource to help establish credibility with your customers. Relevant, beautiful photos signal that your business is trustworthy and legitimate. People will feel better about spending money on your products because you’ve shown them exactly what they’ll be receiving.

5. Testing: Is this thing on? As we mentioned earlier, there is a bit of trial and error with creating Facebook ads, and A/B split testing allows you to see which ads are working and which are not. The two most common things to test for are copies and images. After you’ve allowed a good amount of people to see the ads, assess which ads have high costs per click. Turn these ads off. Keep playing with this until the best ad is remaining. It’s basically Lord of the Flies, Facebook ads-style.


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      Evaluate Media

      We are Nigeria’s foremost marketing and media relations company. We focus on helping SMEs thrive by providing the necessary tool and strategies for effective competition in their various industries.

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