5 Storytelling Techniques You Should Use For Your Marketing Efforts | Evaluate Media

June 7, 2022

It’s been called the most valuable business skill of the next decade. A scientifically-proven way to enthrall audiences and get them to do what you want.

But if you mention storytelling to some business owners or marketing managers, you’ll often get a blank look in return. Maybe even a frown.

What is storytelling in marketing?

Storytelling marketing means using a narrative to communicate a message. The aim is to make the viewer feel something enough that it’ll inspire them to take action. Storytelling in marketing helps consumers to understand why they should care about something, and it works to humanize your brand.

Therefore, below are 5 storytelling marketing techniques to help your marketing efforts;

1. Put your audience first: your audience is the story. They’re the stars and you are the supporting player. Before you do anything else, ask yourself these simple questions below;
I. Who is my audience?
ii. What do they need?
iii. How can I help them?

If you can answer the above questions, you are good to go.

2. Put the best elements at the beginning of your story: You should put the best elements of your story at the beginning. Instead of saving it for the middle or concluding part of the story. You want to make sure that you immediately lure the audience into your story and compel them to share your content with others. You want to immediately lure the reader or watcher into your story and compel them to share your blog or video with others.

3. Keep your story authentic: People love authenticity, which is the fastest way to connect with another human being. It is up to you to produce a story that is genuine and unique. Do not steal other people’s ideas or try to come across as someone you are not just to impress them. As long as you stay true to your brand, it will be easy for people to react and connect to your story. In other words, your brand personality should be reflected in your story, so if you are a rule-bending startup, create a funny or irreverent narrative. People buy products after reading the stories associated with those products.

4. Use data: Just because you’re using creativity to build a narrative, it doesn’t mean you can’t back it up with facts. Using data can be a useful way to build credibility and help readers take your narrative more seriously. Journalists use this storytelling technique to enhance the impact of their news narratives and it’s a way to help B2B and B2C clients better understand the relevance and impact of your story.

5. Use visuals: Visuals can be a very effective way to tell a story. Not only is it direct, but visuals grab the attention of consumers the way that words often do not. They also have the ability to convey meaning and create emotional responses in audiences, which creates a deep connection with your brand.


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      Evaluate Media

      We are Nigeria’s foremost marketing and media relations company. We focus on helping SMEs thrive by providing the necessary tool and strategies for effective competition in their various industries.

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